Skunk mating season runs from late February through early March. During that time, skunks are more active than usual. Here are some tips to help you and your pet avoid an encounter with a skunk, as well as advice on how to deal with a skunk problem.
Avoid Skunks Whenever Possible
Skunks release a smelly oil to protect themselves from people and animals that they consider a threat. The odor is unpleasant and difficult to remove. Your best bet is to stay away from skunks and keep your pet away from them.
Since skunks are nocturnal, they’re most active from dusk to dawn. If possible, avoid going for walks and keep your pet indoors during those times. You’re much less likely to run into a skunk during daylight hours, although it is possible.
If you happen to come across a skunk and it stomps its front feet, that means the skunk feels threatened and will spray you if you don’t back off immediately. Skunks can hit a target several feet away. If you encounter a skunk and it stomps its feet, get far away from it as quickly as possible.
When you walk your dog, keep it on a leash. If you let your dog out in the yard, keep a close eye on it, especially after dusk, and bring it indoors right away if you spot a skunk.
Know What to Do If a Skunk Sprays You or Your Pet
The spray that skunks use to defend themselves is oily and can stick to clothing, skin, hair, and fur. Tomato juice, which is widely recommended to get rid of skunk odor, actually just masks the smell, but doesn’t remove it.
To get rid of the odor, mix together a quart of hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1 or 2 teaspoons of dish soap. You can use the solution to clean a person’s skin and hair or a pet’s fur. If you use the solution to clean another person or a pet, wear gloves. Be careful not to let any of the solutions get into a person’s or animal’s eyes or mouth. After you have cleaned your pet, wash the animal again with pet shampoo.
This solution can explode if it’s stored in a bottle. Make it only when you need it, and don’t store any that is leftover. Instead, dilute it with water and pour it down the drain.
Get Professional Help with a Skunk Problem
If you have one or more skunks living on your property and you would like to have them removed to avoid a confrontation with your pet or a family member, call Anderson Wildlife Control. Our professionals have experience handling skunks and know how to do so safely. Contact us today to learn more or to get an estimate.